Friday, January 31, 2014


         If I had to write my own contemporary manifesto about LGBT, queer, or sexual issues I would include what it means to fall into that category. This is so because a lot of people are still struggling to find out who they are and sometimes they go through really confusing parts of their lives where they just do not know what category they really fit into. But then I would go into how since they are people they do not belong into categories and just because your sexual orientation is a certain way that does not mean that they are not still an individual. Since they are an individual they should be treated as such.
        Then I would talk about how everybody is a person and they should be treated as such. Part of treating a person as a person is to respect them enough to let them have their own feelings about who they are and not trying to change someone just because you do not agree. So because of both of those things I think I would try to have two different sections of the manifesto: the first section to people who are confused about who they are, and the second section would be for everyone to help them understand what being a good person should entail.
        The format I would have in writing this manifesto would be one that did not have a lot of writing, maybe just some bullet points and a paragraph or two in each section. I would do it this way because not a lot of people are going to want to read something really long, and I would use this as a way to get the conversation going not just an ending point.

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